Dustin Prinz Takes On NAMM 2013

Before leaving for California for the N ational A ssociation of M usic M erchants ( NAMM ), I was researching the The NAMM Show schedule to get in order of what to see, who to see, etc. If you've never attended The NAMM Show, then you are missing out on one of history's greatest trade shows ever!! For about 2 weeks, as I was going through the schedule of performances and events, the name " Dustin Prinz " kept getting my attention. He would be playing a noon set at the Marriott that weekend. Did I go see him perform? NO! But fate was going to have it's way, no matter what! With friends on one of the evenings, I saw a presentation on a film that would be released soon called "Haiti 10," which renown bassist, Victor Wooten had written the score for. I will definitely be talking about that in another blog. But for now. . .let's go on. . . Sitting with my friends are 3 other guys. . .one of them. . .this guy named. . . YOU GUESSED IT. . . DUSTIN PRINZ !...