Andreas Aleman has got the POWER!

I am so amazed by this guy!! Up until recently, I had never heard of Andreas Aleman. But thanks to my friends at Inside MusiCast, I am a believer!! Man, this guy is THE FUNK!!! When I found out he was from Sweden, it completely blew me away!! No disrespect to my friends in Sweden, but the guy sounds like he is from Los Angeles!!! Holy Cow!! What a sound he has!!! He is a huge fan of one of my favs, Michael Ruff, so that could explain it. HA!! : )

Because I haven’t actually had a chance to ask Andreas myself about his background, I found the following bio from one of my favorite sites: bluedesert.

“Andreas Aleman was born and raised in Södertälje (Sweden). He began his musical career at the age of 3 when he started playing accordion and piano. Not long after that he began writing his own music.
He found his musical style early on, largely thanks to his parents’ record collection, which included everything from soul, funk, blues, rock, gospel and country. He listened, studied, and learned these different genres and taught himself how to play in all these styles. This formed the basis of his musical direction. While still in school, he played with various bands, which was where he began to utilize and develop his unique singing voice.”

Andreas and I seem to have a lot in common. . . my musical passions came from my parents, too!! Which is probably why his music has that sound that I grew up with. Very smooth! So funky and soulful! I would say that Andreas is in that club where younger artists, such as Marc Broussard are keeping this style of music alive. And by younger, I mean anyone NOT born in the 40’s through the late 60’s.

I’m in love with Andreas’ latest project, “It’s In The Journey.” This album is confirmation of why I love music so much!! I wanna groove to it. I can’t sit still. I can’t help but think of a warm day, driving in my car. . .windows down and this album nice and loud, but not too loud. Just enough to feel the groove and put a smile on the face of the guy at the signal next to you. : )

As I listen to this album again for review, I hear so many influences, as well as Michael Ruff. I hear Earth, Wind & Fire, Chicago, Rufus, Boz Scaggs, Toto and one of my favorites, Paul Carrack. Can I just say, Andreas has a SEXY, SEXY VOICE!! Love the line from Real Life Love. . .”Don’t need a girl in a Gucci suit, Lookin’ cute.” HA! Love it!!

This is truly blue-eyed soul at it’s finest!! If you are into some good funk, soul, Gospel, blues and smooth jazz. . .do yourself a favor. . . Listen to this album!! If you are having a harsh day, LISTEN TO THIS ALBUM!! You will be singing along with him because you won’t be able to help yourself.


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