Paul Baloche: Singing about The Same Love

Paul Baloche is one of those whose music I'd always loved but never knew him by name. I only knew his songs whether sung by him or someone else, that is until about 8 years ago. Since then, Paul has been one of my "go to's" for worship. His songs are honest and easy to sing and "most times" easy for me to play. HA!! Who doesn't remember "Open The Eyes of My Heart" or "Above All," written with Lenny LeBlanc or "Hosanna?" These are all great songs! I can't be sure of this, but I would venture to guess that Paul's songs, whether written by just him or with others, are probably the most songs heard, during a worship service in churches around the world or small groups, etc. What I find amazing about Paul Baloche, is that he is not stingy with his songs "i-ther." : ) He is quick to share his tips and tricks in workshops, worship magazines, DVD's or his website. Allowing a sometime simple worship leader like ...