AI 2011 Tour Rocks Seattle/Everett!

It was an amazing night for those who attended American Idol’s tour of the final 11!

Staging is simple with backdrops changing with the songs.
Sound was GREAT!!
Everyone gave it their all and sound so much better live.
I was truly impressed!!
Thanks to "mjsbigblog" for posting the set list, you can check it out here
Favorite moments for me were, of course, Casey’s set singing “Smooth” by Rob Thomas and Santana, “Moanin” with Haley, and "Harder to Breath" by Maroon 5. I loved his rendition of “Smooth,” standing at the top of the stage with his bass, singing jazzy slow and smooth!!! It was very nice. Definitely can see Casey doing a gig at Seattle’s “Jazz Alley” or “The Triple Door.”
Another moment was James Durbin’s entrance for “Sweet Child o’ Mine.” He walked down the aisle next to my daughter and niece. . .they were like “WOW!!!” And then walked down past myself and my friend. Certainly made our night! HA!!
Can I just say that Jacob TORE IT UP on Luther’s “Never Too Much?!”
“Maggie May” is perfect for Paul McDonald!!
I can’t wait to hear his original tunes!!
I thought Pia, Thia, Haley & Naima did a great job singing “Tightrope” by Janelle Monae. Speaking of Naima. . . I am not crazy about JLo’s “On The Floor” but I have to admit, Naima had it goin on!!! She was amazing!!! I had to get up and MOVE!!!! Loved her interlude of African dancing!! She is also so beautiful in person!!
Both Pia & Lauren showcased their new songs: “This Time” and “Like My Mother Does”
Western Washington’s son, Stefano Langone truly was shown the love by all at the Comcast Arena at Everett. I’m pretty sure he got the biggest shouts, screams and claps out of everyone in the tour!
Least favorite moment: “Firework” by Katy Perry. Either it was a sound issue or not fitted for Lauren’s voice, but there was a measure of dead vocals. Didn’t really think this song was right for Lauren.
Background vocals are so important to a song. I think they make the song if done right. And so. . . I thought when everyone helped with backups, they did a great job!! Loved the vocals on “Gone” when Scotty sang it.
HAVE to do a shout out to the band!! They were tight!!!! Would love to know who they were. They were amazing and FLAWLESS!!!!! Thank you for doing a great job guys!!!
Mjsbigblog has posted videos of some of the performances. I'm sure they don't mind the plug. Thank you for posting these!! VIDEOS.
Overall, I'm not a huge AI fan, but this season really captivated me. I had to see it through by seeing the show live. And with a few exceptions, I was not disappointed. The diehard AI fans will definitely love the Live Tour!!