ODD SOUL - In Pieces

If you are as big of a MUTEMATH fan as I am, then you are fully aware that their latest LP, "ODD SOUL" is scheduled to be released on October 4, 2011.
The word I've been hearing for the last few months is. . . this is going to be THE ALBUM that will make MM a household name!!
Although. . . they've been a household name in my house from the beginning!
I predicted back in 2005 they would be making the late night talk show circuit and not too long after. . . it all happened. . . from Craig Ferguson to Letterman!!
Mark my words, folks. . . SNL is just around the corner!!!!
If you are an Adam LaClave fan, then you'll recognize the coined term "odd soul," which Adam used to describe the combination of soul music and glam rock he created with friend, Jonathan Allen as "Club of the Sons."
And can I just interject that COTS' release of "Young Quanta" is pure genius??
I absolutely LOVE this album!!!! (alittl...