Lady Gaga is disco'ing it up with Born This Way!

Roy Thomas Baker producer of Queen said: "There was no one writer, but there was one Queen sound. . . .the one thing that was important to me was to make sure that when people hear a song for the first time, even if they don't know who it is on the radio, they could hear instantly it was Queen." I would say Lady Gaga has accomplished this. Whether you're hearing Madonna, Donna Summer or whomever, you know it's Lady G!! It’s the Eve of the release of Lady G’s long awaited and most talked about release, “Born This Way.” Gaga is definitely a product of her upbringing. The music she grew up with and the music her parents and or family may have played around her. She soaked it all in and gave birth to the tunes of “Born This Way.” I wasn’t sure how I’d feel about this album until my son made me listen to it. I’ve always felt her lyrics to be very controversial and sometimes a little too honest, especially with my 12 year old daughters taking it all in. So rather tha...